on bird & babe

“Jessica ushers such depth and wisdom into the conversation about motherhood. Her warm, pensive attentiveness beckons us to slow down and listen. In a noisy world, her quiet nature is a gift to bless women in all stages of life.”

- Bethany Douglass, mother, homeschooler, founder and editor of Cloistered Away, and writer for Magnolia Journal

“Jessica’s thoughtful reflections and calls to deeper living are a refuge in the busyness of this modern life. She is a breath of fresh air with the deep ways she views and reflects on faith and the world. I am grateful to have her and her words in my life!”

- Aimee Grace, mother, MD, MPH, FAAP, Director, Office of Strategic Health Initiatives, University of Hawai’i System


on the Good mourning journal

“This journal couldn’t come at a timelier moment. So many of us are struggling with grief and loss without the necessary support and comfort of close family and friends. This journal is that close friend. Jessie’s gentle voice, filled with compassion, is a guide and source of comfort throughout each week of the year. The journal’s invitations set you on a course of true healing — healing that can only come from taking the time to process the pain, paying attention, and opening yourself to transformation.”

- Veronika, Vancouver, BC, Canada

“The Good Mourning Journal has been an inspiring and supportive part of my grieving process. Jessie’s tone is warm and encouraging and I found the practical approach of rooting my grief in my body and my physical experience was transformative. Having a weekly practice to turn to makes the journey feel manageable — like a supportive friend there to guide you and get you through each day. I think the journal is a road-map to peace and acceptance.”

- Emily, London, UK